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Inflation vs Stagflation: What’s the Difference?

what is stagflation

“Mortgages are great inflation hedges, as you get to repay in watered-down dollars,” Kotlikoff suggests. “Yes, mortgage rates are high, but after inflation, they are actually still negative.” Plus, with interest rates rising and expected to go even higher, now is a smart time to pay down any variable interest-rate debt, such as credit card balances, before it becomes even more expensive. We can infer that as long as the economy’s expansion stalls and inflation remains high, there will be a fear of stagflation. A big part of this also depends on how unemployment numbers unfold in the coming months.

Personal Consumption Expenditures Price Index (PCE)

Periods of deflation and stagflation are relatively rare in modern history. Inflation is more common and can be a problem when prices rise too rapidly relative to incomes because household budgets can get squeezed. At the same time, higher inflation can lead to higher interest rates and opportunities to earn more on savings vehicles like money market funds, certificates of deposit (CDs), or other higher-quality investments like U.S. Higher interest rates are nice for income-oriented investors because they can potentially earn more income on the higher yields.

what is stagflation

Blame Oil Price Shocks

Profit and prosper with the best of Kiplinger’s advice on investing, taxes, retirement, personal finance and much more. Profit and prosper with the best of expert advice on investing, taxes, retirement, personal finance and more – straight to your e-mail. Gold performed well in the 1970s, as it and other precious metals are seen as a traditional hedge. Commodities also performed well, particularly oil (of course, there was an embargo) and other commodities of limited supply. Real estate also served as a good hedge, as it was less correlated to stocks.

  1. Profit and prosper with the best of expert advice on investing, taxes, retirement, personal finance and more – straight to your e-mail.
  2. “In particular, we believe investors should favor companies with pricing power that are able to pass increased costs to consumers.”
  3. Higher borrowing costs have already had an effect on the housing market, with mortgage rates rising from about 3% in January to 5% today.
  4. It maintained it, causing two recessions to occur in the years following the Great Inflation before things settled down.
  5. Harsh regulation of markets, goods, and labor in an otherwise inflationary environment are cited as the possible cause of stagflation.
  6. Usually, new money is distributed to certain individuals and businesses in the hope that the money eventually circulates back through the economy and is fairly distributed.

Blame Poor Economic Policies

what is stagflation

Whether or not we are headed for another bout of stagflation remains to be seen. Even in the absence of that label, 2022 has been a difficult year for investors, both in Australia and overseas. Meanwhile, some economists believe the US has already reached peak inflation, while in Australia, news that headline monthly inflation had dropped slightly to 6.9% sparked hopes that Australia has also topped out.

Postwar Keynesian and monetarist views

Considering that stagflation is such an unusual and puzzling condition, there’s no guarantee that such an austerity fix would produce the same results in another stagflationary situation. Macleod used the term again on 7 July 1970, and the https://www.1investing.in/ media began also to use it, for example in The Economist on 15 August 1970, and Newsweek on 19 March 1973. John Maynard Keynes did not use the term, but some of his work refers to the conditions that most would recognise as stagflation.

Excess demand

They point to the fact the last stagflation was brought on by on oil supply shock crisis, and that inflation was similarly high then too. In its June 2022 global economic forecast, the World Bank warned that the risk of stagflation had risen due to a “sharp slowdown” in global economic growth coinciding with a “steep” rise in the rate of inflation to multi-decade highs. However, many economists believe that our economy has changed since the 1970s and is better protected against the worst of stagflation.

Stagflation, or recession-inflation, is an economic phenomenon marked by persistent high inflation, high unemployment, and stagnant demand in a country’s economy. “During a period of stagflation, businesses struggle to grow due to slowing economic activity, and cannot easily reduce costs due to rising input prices,” Brochin says. This leads to layoffs and fewer job opportunities, causing unemployment to put meaning in share market rise. A long-lasting surge in prices has been quite rare in modern history and until this year, the inflation rate hadn’t been above 5% for 6 months or more since the 1980s. Experts say that such periods of sustained, high inflation are most likely caused by either a global supply shock or poorly-guided economic policies. Inflation is the broad rise in the price of goods and services across the economy.

The CPI measures the total cost of goods and services consumers have purchased over a certain period using a representative basket of goods, based on household surveys. Increases in the cost of that basket indicate inflation, and using a basket accounts for how prices for different goods change at different rates by illustrating more general price changes. In its June 2022 global economic forecast, the World Bank warned that the risk of stagflation has risen due to a “sharp slowdown” in global economic growth coinciding with a “steep” rise in the rate of inflation to multi-decade highs. Most consumers don’t feel there is ‘growth’ of 7.1% because real wages have been squeezed by rising prices.

“I think we’re going to see higher interest rates to reduce demand — reduce demand by companies, reduce demand by consumers.” “Global factors pushing up on prices, particularly energy prices … could potentially cause inflation to remain high or rise further, even if  the domestic economy is starting to weaken,” Hunter said. Since recessions are more common than periods of stagflation, there are macroeconomic tools developed that help nations fight recessions. Stagflation occurs much less often, so it is considered a worse condition because standard recessionary tools are ineffective.

Natural disasters, changes in regulation, labor costs, and fluctuations in a country’s currency are a few other factors. The government and central banks can step in to begin reflation by taking actions that put more money into the economy by implementing fiscal and monetary policies. Fiscal policy refers to government decisions that impact taxation and spending.

The idea is that if businesses and consumers have more money, they will spend it and the impact will multiply throughout the economy. Every dollar the government spends or gives in the form of a tax cut will have a greater effect on the economy than the original dollar alone would. Finally, even if the pace of economic growth slows or even contracts—as many people on Wall Street are forecasting—investors should focus on tweaks to their asset allocations rather than wholesale changes. “Don’t panic and do something foolish, still kind of stay the course,” Bond says. Stagflation refers to an economy characterised by the twin problems of low economic growth and high inflation, which is compounded by high unemployment.

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